Good messy morning morning from me and Milo.
This week’s newsletter is late, and may not happen as I am deep in the throes of what feels like a pivotal impasse in eating disorder treatment. I feel unable to write and don’t have much desire to. I’m tired and angry. Wildly afraid. Menstruating—and confused by the hormonal tidal wave that muddles reality.
Despite the voice in my head that screams “you’re lazy, get up and work, this is not a good example to set,” and other stories about how inconsistent and unreliable I am as a human being, I’m resting. I’m Desperate Housewives-ing and Behavior Chain Analysis-ing. I’m sweatpants-ing and still-gonna-wash-my-hair-ing. I’m trying to respect the wave of depression that’s curling over me and quietly gathering my floating device and harsh weather gear.
As I learned years ago and write about in my book, I can’t stop a storm if it’s already coming. I can’t hold raging water in my hands. But I sure as hell don’t have to let it take me down either.
This is my reminder to self today, it’s yours too if you need it:
💗💗💗 feel this