Sunday Something: Let Your Life Flash Before Your Eyes
Starting today, I’d like to start sharing “something” with you every Sunday that I'm bringing into the week. Today, let's do a little visualization to ease decision fatigue & anxiety about the future.
NEW: Sunday Something
Hi angels. Wow wow wow am I glad you’re here. Aren’t you something.
On Sundays, I’d like to start sharing “something” with you that I’m bringing into the week.
It might be a poem, a journaling prompt, a visualization, or a dance song...I don’t know what it will be each week, but it will be something.
Something for us to experience together and talk about, or for you to experience alone and reflect on. All is welcome here.
For our first Sunday Something, I want to share a visualization I did last night.
I was feeling massively stuck and overwhelmed with questions about my future.
Dozens of questions flooded my mind about my life, and I started to have a question-fest:
What do I want to DO with my life?
Am I making the right choices?
Does anyone even like me?
Should I move to Mexico?
What if I stopped drinking?
Is it ok if I don’t do anthing “meaningful” with my life?
Do I want to be in a relationship again?
Am I gonna die alone if I don’t stop being so picky?
Should I chop off all my hair?
Who do I want to be?
How do I know if it’s right, and how do I decide?
When the question-fest happens, I close my eyes and do a visualization called “life flashes before your eyes.”
Here is the visualization, if you’d like to do it too:
You’re on your deathbed.
Close your eyes.
Smile and look back at your life—a life you loved.
You did everything you wanted to. You’re at peace.
What did you do? Who was there? Where did you go?
Watch your life flash before you AS IF it already happened.
Let us know in the comments what you saw <3
Thanks for joining Sunday Something. I’ll see you next week for a little something else.
ahhh I love this. And I feel like everything I read is somehow in connection with "BIG NEWS". The universe knew it was time for me to write that and has led me to every other post that buries the message deeper into me.
Back to the point though...I'm about to take on something big and I'm anxious, scared, excited, thrilled, happy, annoyed but when I look back on my death bed, it'll be something I'll remember forever. Like the out of country I took with my long distance boyfriend who I ended up breaking up with a couple months post trip. Idk how to describe this moment other than a time where I am about to fall even more in love with myself but it's gonna take a lot to get there.
Okay I'm rambling and unsure if I am making sense to myself but I think you'll get it bestie. Thanks for the mediation and questioning questions.