Sunday Something: One Tiny New Thing
Today's something is a little practice in teaching the brain to be ok with uncertainty and the unfamliar.
An Ailment for the Anxious
Today’s Sunday Something is a practice I have integrated into my days when I am experiencing higher levels of anxiety.
Typically, my anxiety is about the uncertain future (read more about coping with the uncertain future here).
Fearing the unknown or unfamiliar is normal.
And, an overwhelming fear of the unknown can breed unwanted extra anxiety. Our brains really love what’s familiar, and they try to protect us from discomfort by sticking to what’s known.
The truth is we sometimes need to choose discomfort in order to reach our goals, help our future self, or change harmful habits.
But jumping right into immense discomfort or total change can be challenging.
To train my brain gently and ease into making different choices or being more comfortable with uncertainty or the unfamiliar, I do one, tiny new thing.
Here’s how to practice “One Tiny New Thing”
Do one, itsy bitsy, insignificant, inconsequensable (no it’s not a word but how cute is it?) new thing.
Maybe this is watching a new TV series instead of re-watching a familiar favorite.
Maybe you cook a new recipe for one meal—nothing too hard or extravegant, just new.
Maybe take a different route for your morning walk.
Maybe listen to a new playlist instead of your usual rotations.
Maybe go to a yoga class instead of going for a run.
Maybe try a different coffee order at your favorite coffee shop.
Whatever you choose, make it small, simple, and low risk.
So maybe don’t cut off all your hair (at least, not for this particular purpose hehe).
Maybe don’t run 10 miles if you’ve not been running for a while.
Maybe don’t invite a stranger to come home with you from the bars.
Maybe don’t quit your job (or not show up, as enticing as that might be).
My tiny new thing is watching a docuseries on Netflix that I’ve never seen, and I didn’t even watch an hour of trailers for other shows to pick “the perfect show,” I just said “ok, it’s new, it’s low risk, and easy to implement!”
Still not sure if you’re picking something itsy bitsy enough?
Try my “One Tiny Thing” checklist!
Low risk, check!
Non-consequential, check!
Easy to implement, check!
Itsy bitsy.
Let us know in the comments what your One Tiny New Thing is going to be!
Thanks for tagging along on these Sunday Somethings. Hope to see you here next week :)
I decided to watch a couple Christmas movies last week (that I loved as a kid), rather than my go-to true crime.
I did this last night with a show called Fisk and I am enjoying it!! I love this premise though and can’t wait to add one inconsequable (did I spell that right) thing to my day today ❤️