I put my Christmas tree away today (insert a million frowny faces). During that process, I began to reflect on the year gone and the year to come. I think working in healthcare, most holidays especially New Years seem to fall to the wayside. There is no three week break, no time away, perhaps a lucky day or two off but only if you're lucky. Anywho ignore my healthcare rant...what I'm trying to say is...what will my Christmas look like? Who will have a stocking? Who will be the loved ones in my life? What will change? And most hopefully, what will stay the same?

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All hard questions and the ones we end up stirring over the most. Sigh. I hear you.

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Very beautiful reminder. Hugs hugs hugs.

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Back to you sweet angel!

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Right now feeling numb would just be amazing but instead I am feeling like a stewed garbage pile that has been sitting in the 120 degree hot dessert sun just smoldering and it doesn't feel good. Thank you for this Rachel

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Ugh I’m so sorry Ritz. I’m glad you’re here, despite the big pile of garbage feels.

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I would give everything to feel nothing again

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I used to want that, too. At least then I’d never feel pain again. But I’ve realized without the pain I don’t get the relief. Without joy I don’t feel grief. They go hand in hand, and it’s been a journey in therapy to learn to ride the middle where they don’t jump off into extremes. It’s hard. A long journey. But it’s worth it.

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Thank you for this, Rachel.

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You’re so welcome.

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