Sitemap - 2023 - The Messy Middle

35 Lessons From 35 Years

Sunday Something: 10% Better

THE FINAL PART: Connection


Sunday Something: One Tiny New Thing

Sunday Something: Let Your Life Flash Before Your Eyes

PART FOUR: Acceptance

PART THREE: Satisfaction

Don’t miss (the messy) Black Friday sale

PART TWO: Belonging

PART ONE: Life After Recovery

I didn’t finish my marathon. But I stuck to my recovery.

Season Four: Life After Recovery

October Journaling Prompts: Making Art a Medium for All

SEASON THREE WRAP UP: Highlights, Love Notes, and Ways to Work With Rachie

Why I'm glad I left grad school 5 years ago for my mental health

I'm scared I'm dead inside

September Journaling Prompts

Barenaked lady (ok barely naked) and can barely bear it cos baring all is beary triggering for my eating disorder

Get free shtuff & comped months when you refer humans!

This homework assignment helped me work through sexual trauma

Things to stop feeling shame about in 2023

How I'm getting my confidence back in writing, in my body, and in bed

Harvard thinks mental health creators are public health leaders

Halfway Through 2023/Mid-Year Meltdown Journaling Prompts

Don't ask me why I'm sad

WhY Am I sO sAd ToDaY?!

Season Three: Showing Up Authentically

SEASON TWO WRAP UP: Highlights, Free Candy, Slot Machines, and Absolutely No Bribery

After getting divorced, I thought this day would never come.

Surviving, stabilizing, and settling into joy as someone with a history of mental illness.

Nobody cares what you're doing

How to love a body that doesn't love you back

What happens when we let go of control

June Journaling Prompts

This might be my most chaotic newsletter ever

Why do we resist the good?

What grief is teaching me about love

Things I still do, even though I know better

May Journaling Prompts

Why we stay in the dark

The fear of being misunderstood

Join me on Notes!

I'm in Eating Disorder treatment (again) and I need to be.

May you weather the storm.

Shadow work is not enough

Eat, pray, drink wine and stay single?

HOUSEKEEPING: Season one wrap up, highlights, & your input for season two!

How dog mom-hood is revealing my character flaws

Back to basics, BIATCH

How to sit with scary feelings

I'm in Eating Disorder Treatment Again

March Journaling Prompts

What two months of presence has taught me

Join our chat!

Learning to "Micro-Pause"

My bikini waxer said this

Keeping the peace

The missing piece in western psychology

Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's manifestation

February Journaling Prompts

Sitting with our pain today for our tomorrow self

The Art of Non-Familiarity

Conversations with people who love me

Getting present hurts before it helps

I'm looking for myself, but I can't find her

5 Benefits of Cultivating Presence

What's New: Major Updates to The Messy Middle!

New Year's Journaling Prompts